Recently, I found out my sister in law had to go in for a non-evasive surgery and I wanted to do something for her to make her feel better while she was in the hospital. I had seen Hospital Survival Kits for women going in to have babies, so I thought I would tweek it a little for someone having to go to the hospital for any reason. I know how it feels to be in the hospital for surgery and I would have loved to have something like this to cheer me up.
I found these printables from another blog called My Own Road.
Click HERE for the Printables!
I didn't use the baby stuff, for obvious reasons, but you can make them for women delivering as well.
I got most of this stuff at Bed, Bath and Beyond and Target for around or under a dollar each.
I stuffed this 'kit' with:
-healthy snacks
-jelly bellies
-shampoo and conditioner
-face wipes
-wet wipes
-chap stick
-a notepad with a pen
You can also pack in:
-eye shades
-water bottles
...and more, depending on how long they are staying!
Then just stuff it with tissues, print out your label, cut it out and tape it to the front...and you're done!
Simple and easy, but definitely from the heart!
I thought it turned out really cute! You could even add a darling bow to make it look like a present! I'll for sure be making more of these fun kits for all my friends and family who, for whatever reason, have to stay in the hospital! I'm sure it will brighten up anyone's day!